
I have experience across a broad range of UX / product areas, including those for: TV, new display-based products, audio products, wearable and mobile devices, cross-device UX (e.g., mobile, tablet, TV), consumer digital photography, collaborative and communication applications for mobile devices, social games for mobile (iOS), information visualization applications for data analysis, and multimedia software for the foreign language classroom. Some of my past (non-confidential) projects are described below.

cx lab

Samsung CX Lab

Samsung's Customer Experience (CX) Lab has designed the UX for Smart TV services, The Frame, Smart View mobile app and more. See details...


SurfaceLink uses inertial and acoustic sensing to enable multi-device interaction on a surface.

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SocialPong is a crowd-sourced classic Pong game for iPad, which I created with Anna Billstrom at the iOSDevCamp 2010 hackathon.

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Event Analyzer

Event Analyzer

Event Analyzer is a tool to evaluate the results of imaging- and event-based algorithms used to automatically cluster and classify consumer digital image collections. See details...

Reminiscing View

Reminiscing View

Reminiscing View is an interactive visualization system for browsing hierarchically organized photo and video-clip collections.

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LiveDocs is a web-based approach to interactive visualization in context.

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Project FLAME

Project FLAME

Project FLAME (Foreign Language Applications in the Multimedia Environment) developed interactive multimedia software for the foreign language classroom. See details...